
Mercury-in-glass thermometer

Closeup of a maximum thermometer. The break in the column of mercury is visible (Source: Wikipedia)


Thermocouple connected to a multimeter displaying room temperature in degC (Source: Wikipedia).


Negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor, bead type, insulated wires (Source: Wikipedia).

Resistance temperture detector (RTD)

Capsuled general purpose RTDs (Source:

Integrated circuit (IC) temperature sensor

Integrated circuit (IC) temperature transducer (Source:

References and links

  1. AD590 (2012). 2-Terminal IC Temperature Transducer. Analog Devices. Accessed 20.1.2013.
  2. Agilent Technologies (2012). Practical temperature measurements. Application note 290. Accessed 20.1.2013.
  3. Baker, B. (2000). Designing the Embedded Temperature Circuit to Meet the System's Requirements Accessed 20.1.2013.
  4. Carter, A. (2013). Thermometers Accessed 22.1.2013.
  5. Duff, M., Towey, J. (2010). Two Ways to Measure Temperature Using Thermocouples Feature Simplicity, Accuracy, and Flexibility. Analog Dialogue. Vol 44. October 2010. Accessed 20.1.2013.
  6. Mercury-in-glass thermometer (Wikipedia). Accessed 22.1.2013.
  7. McNamara, D. (2006). Temperature Measurement Theory and Practical Techniques. Analog Device Application note AN-892. Accessed 20.1.2013.
  8. Silicon bangap temperature sensor (Wikipedia). Accessed 20.1.2013.
  9. Resistance thermometer (Wikipedia). Accessed 20.1.2013.
  10. Thermistor (Wikipedia). Accessed 20.1.2013.
  11. Thermometer (Wikipedia). Accessed 22.1.2013.
  12. Thermocouple (Wikipedia), Accessed 20.1.2013.


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