The Cremat's CR-110 is a single channel charge sensitive preamplifier module intended for use with various types of radiation detectors including semiconductor detectors. Radiation Bias voltage can be used if required. Radiation is detected as a series of pulses, resulting in fast bursts of current (from 1ns to few µs) flowing into preamplifier input. After the series of amplifiers it flows into the Cremat's CR-200 Gaussian shaping amplifier. The CR-200 is a single channel shaping amplifier, which is processing the signals from charge sensitive preamplifiers. It accepts a step-like input pulse and produces an output pulse shaped like a Gaussian function (Figure 8). [9.]
Figure 8. CR-200 input and output pulse shapes. Copied from http://www.cremat.com [9].
The main aim of this is to filter the noise from the signal and to provide a quickly restored baseline. The CR-200 shaping amplifiers have low output impedance (<5 Ohms) and can source/sink 10 mA of output current. CR-110 output impedance is 50 Ohms.
Development in Finland