1. Starting Point: single-crystal n-doped wafer.
2. Surface passivation by SiO2-layer. E.g. growing by (dry) thermal oxidation at 1030 °C.
3. Window opening using photolithography technique with etching, e.g. for strips!
4. Doping using either
• Thermal diffusion (furnace)
• Ion implantation
5. After ion implantation: Curing of damage via thermal annealing at approx. 600°C, (activation of dopant atoms by incorporation into silicon lattice)
6. Metallization of front side: sputtering or CVD (chemical vapor deposition)
7. Removing of excess metal by photolitographyby photolithography: etching of non-covered areas
8. Full-area metallization of backplane with annealing at approx. 450°C for better adherence between metal and silicon
9. Wafer Wafer dicing (cutting) [12].
Figure 13. Manufacturing process steps. Reprinted from : http://indico.cern.ch/event/124392/contribution/0/material/slides/0.pdf [12].