It appears so that all semiconductor diodes emit light. To be exact, all p-n semiconductor junctions emit photons. (Check the picture) Yes yes, but these are not emitted to plastic, they are absorbed back to semiconductor die. This energy is mostly dissipated as heat. LEDs and laser diodes are made so that energy does escape the junction really well.
New questions:
- Why some materials are transparent, and others - aren't?
Why semiconductor diodes are widely used instead of other types of diodes?
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Further questions T3
Why some materials are transparent, and others - aren't?
When photons go through and near atoms without absorbtion, then the material is transparent. Photons don't interact with atom's electrons when band gap energy doesn't match photon energy. Materials are opaque only to the color that they absorb.
New questions:
- Why some materials are reflective and othes are mat?
- Why materials have different reflection coefficients?
- Which angle absorbed and then reemitted photon goes?
- Should absorbed photon be exactly band gap energy?
- Why do we consider that photons interact with only electrons, but not with atom core?