Course Information & Teaching Materials | Other information | |
Visiting teachers and course topics (will be updated in March) Course Materials (will be constantly updated during the IPW) Schedule of the Week for Visiting Lecturers Instructions for Visiting Lecturers (will be updated) Course Groups & Location (will be updated) Case Assignment for Student Groups: Finnish Red Cross (will be updated) | Metropolia Course Description for Business EthicsInformation Package for Poster PresentationsPoster session on Friday - What? Why? How? Succeed with a poster - a summary Preparing a poster, pt 1 - ppt-slides: 4Ps of IPW Poster Presentations - Planning, Presentation, Practicalities, Positives Preparing a poster, pt 2 - more detailed description of the 4Ps of IPW Poster Presentations Evaluation form - Poster sessions END of IPW Material Student Feedback about the IPW Form (Please fill in)
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