- State the objectives for the test and any areas of specific interest
- Functions and components with which the user directly and indirectly interacted
- Reason for focusing on a product subset
- The total number of participants testedThree people
- Background of the testers : A full-time university student of Arcada (has been using student portal but no Tuubi) ; Exchange student of IT in Metropolia (uses Tuubi just to check announcements and exam dates) ; Exchange student of IT in Metropolia with very well good knowledge of using Tuubi.
- Key characteristics and capabilities of user group (this info might have been acquired through the background (pre) questionnaires, thus it can be just referred here, e.g. linked to the description of the results of the background (pre) questionnaires): users of the Tuubi portal by students' perspective.
- How participants were selected; whether they had the essential characteristicsusers were selected from the target user group as representative of new, basic and experienced user.
- Differences between the participant sample and the user population: our three test users were well representing the population because of their different experience background.
Context of Product Use in the Test
- Any known differences between the evaluated context and the expected context of use
- Tasks
- Describe the task scenarios for testing
- Explain why these tasks were selected
- Describe the source of these tasks
- Include any task data/information given to the participants
- Completion or performance criteria established for each task
Test Facility
Describe the setting, and type of space in which the evaluation was conducted
Detail any relevant features or circumstances, which could affect the results (e.g. There was a brake down of the server, which messed up the test for a while and created unnecessary tension. There was unforeseeable noise that disturbed the test, etc.)
Participant's Computing Environment
- Computer configuration, including model, OS version, settings,
- Browser name and version;
- Relevant plug-in names and versions (the bullets mean stating e.g., what browser and computers the users are using in the test. In field trials this is information that is not known by the technical partners. For example, in one of the tests during last spring 2007, one of the users was at home using SSp during the test, so it was asked what she used e.g., Internet Explorer 6 and Mozilla Firefox2.0.0.6, Compaq Presario with Windows XP and IBM ThinkPad with Windows XP. If all is not know then it is not but it would be good to try to get the info. Plug-ins can refer for example to the browser add-ons (in Firefox these are found from the upper tools menu. Sometimes it is needed to know if some plug-ins are on or off, because it might change or prohibit some functions.).
Display Devices (report if relevant, e.g., Paper prototypes are tested or static prototypes are tested on screen)
Location: Hoas apartments, Leppävaara. Clean study desk with comfortable amount of light and silent surroundings.
Network connectivity: 10Mbit/s ethernet.
Hardware: DELL laptop, 14" screen, Intel Core2duo 2.66 GHz dual core CPU, 2GB RAM. Finnish kbd layout, trackpad mouse. No external mouse available.
Software: Windows XP SP3, Internet Explorer 8. MS Word 2003.
Test Administrator Tools (report if relevant for the particular test)
Participant General Instructions (here or in Appendix)
with an introductive speech the test user has been instructed to think aloud for all the duration of his/her contribution to our test. A printed task list has been provided before starting in a form of per-task numbered list. User has also been asked to read it through and to ask any text comprehension related questions before the test start.
Results are mainly qualitative. For someone who is familiar with Tuubi there is no problems completing the tasks easily. That does not mean that Tuubi is good as it is, but that you can learn to master it. One open question is, how steep is the learning curve in Tuubi.