- Second test user commented that the grade is easy to miss when you read the feedback. It is not shown on the same page as the verbal feedback.
Positive sides
- The calendar is easy to use. Users found easy to browse dates or look assignments in listed view.
- Discussion board is simple and intuitive to use.
- Data Analysis
- Quantitative data analysisÂ
- Qualitative data analysis
- Presentation of the Results
- From quantitative data analysis From qualitative data analysis (descriptive and clarifying presentation of the results)
Reliability and Validity
The tests can be seen as quite realiable. Pilot testing was done with user who has no prior experience about Tuubi but has been using similar software and the first genuine test with unexperienced Tuubi-user showed similar results as in pilot testing.
Most of the problems encountered with piot testing were due to incompatible browsers (IE and Firefox running on Metropolias computers). In the final tests up to date-version of IE was used.