Provide a brief level overview of the test (including purpose of test)
Name the product: Tuubi WinhaWille
Purpose/objectives of the test: This test is intended to discover how well Winha Ville fits Metropolia students needs.
Method 1: Pilot testing
Number and type of participants: 5 3 students
Tasks (if task are used): Taking notes and preparing questionnaires
Method 2: Actual test
=========== ready till here ====Number and type of participants: 10 students
Results in main points
e.g. bullet list (this is needed for being able to get the main results without reading the full report, this is seen important, since the reports serve different purposes and sometimes the need is to get a fast overview)
Language and translation issues:
- Language issue. Even though I log in with English, Some data (like ISP contents) is still in Finnish. When I change the language, it logs me out automatically and only when I log in again then is a change of language. Irritating "15 minutes" logout issue. I have to find link all over agin after it
- Translation of interface is not complete. Sometimes I get stuck with Finnish
Navigation issuses:
- I had to cick blindly because almost all link names mean nothing to me
- the names are not self explantory, i very rarely use the system , always forget under what link i find what.
- WinhaWille should be Changed. It screwed up my ISP, because I was always lost what to do and when to click "register"
- Winha is diffcult to use and does not provide much information about courses.
Full Product Description
- Formal product name and release or version
- Describe what parts of the product were evaluated
- The user population for which the product is intended
- Brief description of the environment in which it should be used (this means the context of the use of product/tool, e.g., is it an education product used in primary school, higher education, etc., or maybe research tool used in the field -then what could be field)