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Wiki Markup
[#Sensors and Instrumentation KTN]
[#Energy Harvesting Network]
[#Northrop Grumman]
[#ST Ericsson]
[#Infinite Power Solutions]
[#Taridan Batteries]
[#Fraunhofer IKTS]
[#Fraunhofer IZM]
[#Holst Centre]

h4. Sensors and Instrumentation KTN {anchor:Sensors and Instrumentation KTN}








h4. Energy Harvesting Network {anchor:Energy Harvesting Network}




EPSRC:n perustama network, jonka tehtävänä on


* määritellä uusia haasteita EH tutkimuksessa ja välittää niitä tiimeille


* helpottaa EH tutkimusten välistä vuorovaikutusta ja liikkuvuutta


* varmistaa informaation levitys erityisesti tieteen ratkaisujen ja teknologian kehittymisen kannalta





h4. Tyndall {anchor:Tyndall}




* WSN motet - BEM (Buildint Energy Management)
* keskittyy pääosin _indoor solar_ (keinovalo?) ja vähän lämpösähköön ja tärinän keräämiseen


* ympäristön monitorointi


* human computer interface


* medical diagnostic (ECG monirotr)





h4. EnOcean {anchor:EnOcean}



  • Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensors
  • Wireless Standard for Sustainable Buildings
  • Intelligent Sensor Networks
  • Rakennusten automatiosointi
    • valaistus, lämmitys, ilmanvaihto, turvallisuus
  • Teollisuuden automatisointi
    • kunnonvalvonta, prosessin optimointi, ohjaus, kontrollointi, mittaus
  • Automotive & Lentäminen
    • kunnonvalvonta
  • Lääketieteellinen
    • lämpötila, verenpaine, syke, tarkkailu



* Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensors
* Wireless Standard for Sustainable Buildings
* Intelligent Sensor Networks

* Rakennusten automatiosointi
** valaistus, lämmitys, ilmanvaihto, turvallisuus

* Teollisuuden automatisointi
** kunnonvalvonta, prosessin optimointi, ohjaus, kontrollointi, mittaus

* Automotive & Lentäminen
** kunnonvalvonta

* Lääketieteellinen
** lämpötila, verenpaine, syke, tarkkailu

* Dolphin [


* [Intelligent Wireless






h4. EADS {anchor:EADS}




* Wireless Sensor Nodes in Aircrafts
* erityiset vaatimukset:
** haastava ympäristö
** \-55°C/+85°C


** kosteus
** jäätyminen, sulaminen




** tärinä
** rakenteen ikääntyminen
** hydrauliset nesteet
* Wireless Sensing for Rotorcraft
* Wireless Sensing for Fixed Wing


h4. Northrop Grumman {anchor:Northrop Grumman}



RFID and Wireless Infrastructure


h5. Operating Sectors


* Aerospace systems


* Electronic systems


* Information systems




* Shipbuilding
* Thechnical services

h5. Applications

* Health Care Industry
* Crops
* Buildings
* Military and Area Sensor Network
* Ships
* Shipping, Cold Chain Management
* Machine-to-Machine (M2M)





h4. Pavegen {anchor:Pavegen}



  • generating energy from your footsteps
  • energian keräämistä paineesta




* generating energy from your footsteps
* energian keräämistä paineesta


h4. PRI {anchor:PRI}



Smart metering

  • Smart Home Applications
    • Wireless sensing and control
    • EH




Smart metering
* Smart Home Applications
** Wireless sensing and control
** EH


h4. SNCF {anchor:SNCF}



Technologies for railway environment

  • WSN and energy harvesting
Applications domains
  • Wire replacement
  • Mobile instrumentation
  • Security
  • Supervisory control, remote monitoring
  • Passengers's comfort (temperature, light)
  • Railway safety
  • Self diagnostic (smart sensors)
  • Intelligent trains
  • Intelligent railway infrastructure
  • wagon localization, events detection, remote alerts, gas outflow, temperature, pressure, gate-opening
Energy sources
  • Solar
  • RF and inductive
  • Temperature gap
  • Vibration
  • no battery exchange




Technologies for railway environment
* WSN and energy harvesting

h5. Applications domains

* Wire replacement
* Mobile instrumentation
* Security
* Supervisory control, remote monitoring
* Passengers's comfort (temperature, light)
* Railway safety
* Self diagnostic (smart sensors)

* Intelligent trains
* Intelligent railway infrastructure

* wagon localization, events detection, remote alerts, gas outflow, temperature, pressure, gate-opening

h5. Energy sources

* Solar
* RF and inductive
* Temperature gap
* Vibration

* no battery exchange


h4. ST Ericsson {anchor:ST Ericsson}



Mobile application


Mobile application

* ST-Ericsson PowerHUB©


** Energy Harvesting: solar, heat, NFC, motion


** 1h solar charging with 28m² mobile phone \-> 5-10min talk/20 sms/12h stand by mode





h4. Jennic {anchor:Jennic}



  • WSN Location System
Energy sources
  • Thermal
  • Vibration
  • Solar/Thin film batteries
  • Transportation and Logistics
    • door sensor
    • truck ID tag
    • controller
  • Crop Monitoring and Irrigation
    • valve controllers
    • weather station
    • moisture sensors
    • control center
  • Elderly at home
    • sensors telling if the lights been used, is it warm enough, has a stoven been used etc.




* WSN Location System

h5. Energy sources

* Thermal
* Vibration
* Solar/Thin film batteries

h5. Applications

* Transportation and Logistics
** door sensor
** truck ID tag
** controller

* Crop Monitoring and Irrigation
** valve controllers
** weather station
** moisture sensors
** control center

* Elderly at home
** sensors telling if the lights been used, is it warm enough, has a stoven been used etc.


h4. CAP-XX {anchor:CAP-XX}



Capacitors, supercapacitors

  • Thin, flat, small supercapacitors suitable for portable electronic devices
  • Turn-key power design solutions

[Capacitors|], supercapacitors

* Thin, flat, small supercapacitors suitable for portable electronic devices
* Turn-key power design solutions







h4. Cymbet {anchor:Cymbet}



  • Solid state energy storage and energy harvesting power management solutions
  • EnerChip™ devices provide innovative power storage solution
  • Medical monitoring
    • Wireless Patient Monitoring
    • Patient ID & Tracking
    • Smart Patches & Dressings




* Solid state energy storage and energy harvesting power management solutions
* EnerChip™ devices provide innovative power storage solution

h5. Applications

* Medical monitoring
** Wireless Patient Monitoring
** Patient ID & Tracking
** Smart Patches & Dressings


h4. Infinite Power Solutions {anchor:Infinite Power Solutions}




THINERGY™ (energy storage)


* Solid-State


* High Current Rate


* Lowest Leakage


* Extreme cycle life


* Easily Controlled


* Safe and Non-toxic






h5. Applications

* Autonomous Wireless Sensors
* Powered Cards
* Active RFID/RTLS Applications


* Medical Devices


* Memory and RTC Backup Power


* Military / DOD





h4. Taridan Batteries{anchor:Taridan Batteries}




"Tadiran is a world leader in design, development, manufacture and


marketing of Lithium batteries for industrial applications."


Primary Lithium Batteries for Wireless Sensor






h4. ADT {anchor:ADT}




D³-Display Technology ® (Droplet Driven Display®)


* electrowetting display technology based on


moving droplets


ADT:n sivuilla oleva [pdf D³:sta





h5. Applications

* "No Power" EW Indicators as LED replacement
* Small scale displays e.g. for Mobile Applications


* Mid-size scaled displays e.g. for signs or price tags


* Large scale displays e.g. Billboards





h4. Arveni {anchor:Arveni}



  • focused on piezo energy harvesting
  • TV remote control (2009)
    • Single button harvesting
    • Infrared communication



* focused on piezo energy harvesting

h5. Applications

* TV remote control (2009)
** Single button harvesting
** Infrared communication

* Remote control (2010)
** Multikey harvesting
** Radio IEEE 802.15.4, with ack


* Batteryless TV/IPTV remote control on 2011


* Membran switch - industry


* Digikey - home automation


* Multikey harvesting - remote


Videoita YouTube:



h6. Videoita YouTube:

* ARVENI Green Remote Control (batteryless/energy harvesting [



* Arveni's device powers bidirectional radio [






h4. MEGGITT {anchor:MEGGITT}



  • Aerospace equipment
  • Sensing systems
    • Ferroperm Piezoceramics
  • Defence systems

InSensor® PZT (Lead Zirconate Titanate) thick film technology



* Aerospace equipment
* Sensing systems
** Ferroperm Piezoceramics
* Defence systems

InSensor® PZT (Lead Zirconate Titanate) thick film technology
* Energy harvesting devices
* battery-less, wireless integrated sensors





h4. Fraunhofer IKTS {anchor:Fraunhofer IKTS}




Ceramics for Energy Harvesting: Piezoelectric, Thermoelectric


* Piezoelectric
** Metal plate forming e.g. space frame


** Metal die - casting e.g. oil sump


** Composite lamination e.g. air craft panel


  • Thermoelectric
    • Material development
    • Joining technologies
    • System integration



* Thermoelectric
** Material development
** Joining technologies
** System integration


h4. Fraunhofer IZM {anchor:Fraunhofer IZM}




Secondary Microbatteries for Energy Harvesting Micro Systems


* Secondary lithium batteries as buffer storage


** Coin cells


** Polymer cells


** Thin film solid state cells


* Micro Fuel Cells


* Hydrogen generators based on galvanic cells


* Micro Fuel Cell Development


* IZM Silicon Embedded Micro Battery





h4. Humdinger {anchor:Humdinger}



Wind energy


* [The WindtBelt


  • microBelt™
  • Windcell™
  • Windcell™ Panel
  • Aeroelastic Flutter


|] Technology
** microBelt™
** Windcell™
** Windcell™ Panel

* Aeroelastic Flutter

h5. Applications
* Transportation
** e.g. Bus GPS


* Buildings
** e.g. Air quality control


* Infrastructure
** e.g. Bridge stress and strain


* Fluid Flows


** e.g. oil and natural gas pipelines





h4. Holst Centre {anchor:Holst Centre}



Sources: photovoltaic, vibration, thermal, radio frequency


Storages: battery, supercapacitor, biofuel cell


* Wireless autonomous sensor systems (WATS)


* MEMS technology




The Applications
  • TMPS Tire Pressure Monitoring System
  • Predictive Maintenance
  • Smart Buildings
  • Medical: Body Area Network (BAN)


Muita hyödyllisiä linkkejä

Wireless Sensor Networks Standards


  • industrial, consumer, commercial building and meter reading
  • wide ranging applications with interoperability


  • transfers IP packets over wireless sensor network



h5. The Applications
* TMPS Tire Pressure Monitoring System
* Predictive Maintenance
* Smart Buildings
* Medical: Body Area Network (BAN)



h4. MicroStrain {anchor|MicroStrain}


* [Wireless Sensors|]

* Microminiature sensors



h4. Muita hyödyllisiä linkkejä

h5. Wireless Sensor Networks Standards


* industrial, consumer, commercial building and meter reading
* wide ranging applications with interoperability


* transfers IP packets over wireless sensor network
