- How did 24Online get the first customers?
- Now: 2,000 customers/month - how?
- How does customer service work?
- How's the pricing model at the moment?
- Possible price reductions?
- Would it be possible to give some price reductions if campaing for Metropolia students was created?!!?!?
- Network marketing. Opinion?
- What kind of advantages can we give if for example some user gets few new users? Can we even give any??
- For example: get three new customers-> get one month for free or free starting fee
- General questions: Myynti, markkinointi, tavoitteet, oheistoiminta, 'brändi', jotain muuta?
- Application features, challenges, hopes?
- Deal with RunToShop ?
- How does broadband providing work? Any costs? How low we can go with the price?
Metropolia campaing:
- Contacts from Metropolia to find out what kind of permissions needed for marketing in the school area
- Facebook-kampanjointi, käyttäjäkysely