Progress report
Team Aivo - Hammerkit Nokia WRT 28.10.2010
- good progress in web interface
- site logic and user logic clear
- some issues with data input unsolved
- good technical support
- mobile format visually in a good phase
- work with data input
- marketing plan updated
- sales pitch done and presented
- first demo presented
- customer contact considered
- longer term plan for the 2nd period iniated
Risks:* List here the risks
- Mobile apps data structure in practise -how to save information
- Time issue
- Too comprehensive web interface
- user engagement
how to get visibility for the productContingency plan: Actions to decrease the risk here
- first version mobile format is simple - it just enable user to view data in mobile format
- web interface focus in functionaliy, not in design
- start user tests
- collect user feedback and improve things accordingly
Team Aivo - Hammerkit Nokia WRT 1.10.2010
- Preliminary Marketing plan
- Jari and Christin work with Wireframes and plan web-sites
Market research in a good phase - Good ideas in analyzing market research results
- Researching the viral marketing methods