Progress report
Team Aivo - Hammerkit Nokia WRT 25.11.2010
Mobile version weekly and daily views function
The info box under development
Group feature almost working
The app can transferred and demonstrated with the mobile device
Sales pitch ready
Marketing plan, business plan, project plan, financials (exel), user story ready for teachers' review
How the group feature will ultimately work?
Database issues
Contingency plan: |
Next steps:
Work on possible action points for business side
Finish the group feature
Concentrate on info box
Work on mobile and web applications design
Progress report
Team Aivo - Hammerkit Nokia WRT 17.11.2010
Mobile version weekly and daily views function
The info box under development
The app can transferred and demonstrated with the mobile device
5min Sales pitch initiated and rehearsed
Some documentation delivered to the wiki
Document improvement initiated
How the group feature will ultimately work?
Database issues
Contingency plan: |
Next steps:
Finalise sales pitch - summary section
Concentrate on info box and group message thing in mobile application
Gruop feuture focus in the web interface
Eeclude OVI-store from the business point of view
Progress report
Team Aivo - Hammerkit Nokia WRT 11.11.2010
How does OVI store regards to the app which requires a web site to function?
Is there any possibility to go there with such app in the first place?
Group/message features database issues
Group message too complicated for a mobile to handle
Contingency plan: |
Next steps:
Reformulate sales pitch according to the new functionality
Collect more and more comprehensive user feedback (high-school and other uni students also)
Concentrate on info box and group message thing in mobile application
Progress report
Team Aivo - Hammerkit Nokia WRT 3.11.2010