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| Application Development Project 2012 (10 ETCS)Teachers: Merja Bauters, Outi Grotenfelt, Nina Hellman, Pauli Laine, Päivi Rimpioja, Kari Salo Proven business case with the developed application Period 1 Business plan
- Sales pitch
- Demo version ready
- User stories
| Period 2Customer feedback
- Updated business plan
- Prototype ready
- Final user stories
| You will learn:
- Team work in real life
- Give and take feedback
- Innovation in practise
- Facing the customer
- Business planning for a new application
- Application development & processes
- Working in cross cultural environment
Weekly ScheduleWednesday 08:30-10:00 Project steering group meetings 10:00-12:00 Team work Thursday 08:30-12:00 Team work/guest lecturers 12-13 LUNCH 13:00-17:00 Team work 14:00-16:00 Progress review meetings with teachers Course schedule 1.9. | Course Introduction, Case Presentations | Get to know people and the cases | Presentations, workshop | 7-8.9 | Case presentations, team forming, draft idea and plan | Teams, roles, cases defined, templates for docs | Presentations, workshop | 14-15.9 | Scrum training by Paavo Pekkanen | Scrum introduced, updated project plan | Lecture, workshop | 21-22.9 | UX/Liisa Benmergui, Business case marketing strategy templates explained | User story drafted, first scrum meetings | Lecture, workshop | 28-29.9 | Brief on rapid prototyping/Merja&Pauli, Work on prototype and marketing plan | UX planned, Marketing plan draft, Prototype build | Lecture, workshop | 5-6.10 | Business case - sales pitch briefing | Business case ready, Test plan | Presentation, Workshop | 12-13.10 | Rope Sidebras: testing | Prototype and business case review, work on sales pitch | Preparing and testing the demo working on the sales pitch | 19-20.10. | Demo presentations/sales pitch, business concept, working prototype (small part implemented), work on the prototype and business plan. | ”exam”, demo ready for customer meetings, plan for 2nd period
| Presentation |
2-3.11 | Päivi Koski/Nokia: Project management, Marketing plan, new build | List of potential customers, start contacting updated project plan | Workshop | 9-10.11 | Business case, new build Finacial Plan | Feedback from end user(s) Financial Plan | Workshop | 16-17 | Mark Sorsa-Leslie /Hammerkit: views and experiences on running a start-up company Customer contact, marketing campaign start, new build | Feedback from customer(s) Marketing campaign | Workshop | 23-24 | Sales pitch rehersal, new build | 5 min sales pitch ready | Workshop | 30.11 1.12 | New build, finalise all documentation | Everything ready | Workshop | 7-8.12 | Final SG Sales pitching event, (customer feedback), final build Course feedback afternoon | Zip file with: Sales pitch, business concept, working prototype (small part implemented), work on the prototype and business plan. | Presentation in aditorium Workshop |
Team pages/documentationDocumentation that every Team producesADP Grading- Grade from customer 50%
- Grade from teacher 30%
- Peer evaluation 20%
- Impact both from end result and weekly grade (1-5) based on
- Steering group meeting (Customer grades)
- Progress Review meeting (Teacher grades)
- xx.xx mid-term review (Teacher grades)
- xx.xx sales pitch (Customer, Teacher, Students grades)
- Status report and other docs done and quality
- Progress
- How team is working
- Under 80% presence will impact the grade
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