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Are we still talking about this? – aiheen ennakkoesittely

In its early days, service design had a clear and compelling purpose – to shift our addition from owning products in favour of services. Products were bad, the thinking went - they encourage greed, envy and waste. Services on the other hand, were good - they led to community, sustainability and fulfillment.

Ten years on, the technological landscape has fundamentally changed and today it is almost impossible to distinguish between a digital product and a service. Where does that leave service design? Most importantly, why are we still having this conversation?

In this talk, Chris will explore design in a world where the old notions of product, service and brand are blurring. He will argue how services of the future will be more like the services of the past and explain why you should never ever refer to him as ‘a consumer’.


Chris Downs esitellään palvelumuotoilun pioneerina. Hän on ollut mukana aloittamassa maailman ensimmäistä palvelumuotoilutoimistoa. Muutaman ensimmäisen vuoden aikana C ja kaverit huomasivat, että jutussa on todellakin itua, eivätkä C ja hänen partnerinsa olleet järjiltään.

CD työskentelee Method-nimisessä yrityksessä. Se ei ole sama, joka tekee luonnonmukaisia saippuoita ym, vaikka hänen äitinsä niin alunperin luulikin. Method, jossa DC on töissä, sijaitsee San Franciscossa. Alkaa tästä

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Chris Downs, Method

Chris Downs is a Principal at Method. 

Founder of live|work, the world's first service design agency in 2001, Chris is one of the true pioneers of the discipline and internationally recognised for his perspective on how brands and products can live through every moment of the user experience. 

He has brought this thinking to the design of iconic and disruptive services for clients including Streetcar (now Zipcar), Orange, Vodafone, Fiat, Aviva and Experian. 

Chris describes himself as 'obsessive' about data. He believes that data is a valuable raw material that can fuel new product and service innovation. He demonstrated this by selling all his personal data on eBay, and more recently, Chris founded his own big data start-up that released over 5 million pounds worth of business information from Companies House, exposing it all to Google. 

Passionate about design education, Chris was part of the start-up team behind the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, in Italy. Currently he teaches at the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design and is proud to be on the judging panel for the Webby Awards.

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