ECREA 2012Näistä teemoista konferensissa on tarkoitus herättää keskustelua: - Kuinka globaali sosiaalinen media on?
- Kuinka sosiaalinen on sosiaalinen media?
- Sosiaalisen median eettinen vastuu
- Somen poliittinen ekonomia
- Ovatko "suuret yleisöt" mennyttä?
- Miten määrittää tilat jotka yhdistävät arjen ja akateemisen maailman.
Täällä enemmän ECREASTA, taustoista ym. LiveraportointiMAANANTAI 22.10. klo 23.50 Lyhyesti:Matti on saapunut juuri Istanbulin sykkeeseen. Matka sunjui hyvin aikataulussa ja lentokenttäbussikin lähti juuri kun tulin paikalle. Olen majoittautuneena ODDA Hotelliin, joka näyttää sijaitsevan kaupungin biletyselämän keskiössä Taksim -aukion kupeessda, joten taidanpa lähteä tutkimaan tarkemmin. Huomenna laittelen tänne wikiin lisäyksiä ja aikatauluja. Tässä samalla tuli testattua, että majapaikan ilmainen verkkoyhteys näyttää toimivan moiteettomasti. Lea: "Digital culture and communication" -teema // Sanna: "Organisational and Strategic Communication" -teema TORSTAI 25.10. 11.15 - 12.45 Social relationships, cosmopolitism and home life with media (linkki) - Romantic relationship management on Facebook: implications for digital jealousy, social compensation, and social enhancement Theresa Hofmann, Julian Unkel, Andreas Fahr
- Managing Everyday Digital Life in the Mediatized Home: On the Interplay of Old and New Media within the Domestic Sphere Corinna Peil, Jutta Röser
- Network media and queer communities: local and cosmopolitan Aristea Fotopoulou
- Digital Everyday Outfits: Rethinking Fashion Communication Through New Media Manuela Farinosi, Sara Zanatta
- Reconsidering Surveillance: “The Facebook” Model M. Gokhan Aslan
11.15-12.45 Organisational strategies and social media - Students' Use and Evaluations of Company Sites on Facebook Anna Schnauber, Marc Ziegele
- Internal Crisis Communication in a Global World:Companies' Strategies and Employee Communicative Actions Alessandra Mazzei
- Public campaigns and behavior change: introduction of a strategic communication development model Reint Jan Renes, Bas van den Putte, Joost Loef
- Innovation in public campaigns: the Campaign Strategy Instrument Anita van Essen, Joost Loef, Babs Westenberg
- Collaborative narratives - representations of Finnish corporations in Wikipedia Merja Porttikivi, Maaria Laaksonen
14.30 - 16.00 Misunderstanding the Internet (linkki) - Internet logic: Doing democracy differently? Natalie Fenton
- Profits of the New Media Economy Des Freedman
- Democratising Celebrity Online Milly Williamson
- From rage to ‘the facts’: reflexive racism and the limits of ‘digital extremism’Gavan Titley
- Beyond Technology: Arab Revolutions and the Iranian Upraising Gholam Khiabany
14.30 - 16.00 Online communities: key issues and research methodologies - Communicating EU-regulated matters in the blogosphere. A case study of the Danish Patent and Trademark Office's blogging practices Annette Agerdal-Hjermind, Chiara Valentini
- Exploring a (fairly) new instrument for corporate communication in the social web: Online Brand Communities Clarissa Schöller
- 'United in Diversity'? Introducing a research model to analyze the relationsof national and transnational public diplomacy in the European Union Alice Srugies
- Dialog principles on Investor Relations Websites Christian Schumacher, Sascha Himmelreich
- Transparency and the Problems of Representation in Verbal, Visual and Numerical Regimes Lars Thoger Christensen, George Cheney
16.30 - 17.30 Poster Exhibition - You will look at me and me alone - undressing the virtual world of cosplaying Joanna Motta, Maria Barbosa
- The ideology of aesthetics and the globalization of consumption in women's fashion blogs Bilge Gürsoy
- Aporias of tactility in digital photographic visuality Lewis Johnson
- The lack of social memory and identityseeking in the digital world
- Transparency and the Problems of Representation in Verbal, Visual and Numerical Regimes Lars Thoger Christensen, George Cheney
16.30 - 17.30 Ei otsikkoa 17.30 - 19.00 Digital and physical spaces and scales 17.30 - 19.00 Institutional capacities and Crisis Management - Crisis communication under terrorist threat: a case study of counterterrorist operation in Chechenya Elena Gryzunova
- Can Social Media create Stakeholder Value? Using a Stakeholder Integration Index to display the value of Social Media to organizational types Lars Rademacher
- Managing Corporate communication: The Case of Dubai International Airport Khayrat Ayyad
- Feedback nightmare: organizational communication reactions to digital critic exposure. A view on some Portugal recent cases (2011-2012) Ana Duarte Melo, Helena Sousa
PERJANTAI 25.10. 11.15 - 12.45 Social relationships, cosmopolitism and home life with media (linkki) - Romantic relationship management on Facebook: implications for digital jealousy, social compensation, and social enhancement Theresa Hofmann, Julian Unkel, Andreas Fahr
- Managing Everyday Digital Life in the Mediatized Home: On the Interplay of Old and New Media within the Domestic Sphere Corinna Peil, Jutta Röser
- Network media and queer communities: local and cosmopolitan Aristea Fotopoulou
- Digital Everyday Outfits: Rethinking Fashion Communication Through New Media Manuela Farinosi, Sara Zanatta
- Reconsidering Surveillance: “The Facebook” Model M. Gokhan Aslan
11.15-12.45 Organisational strategies and social media|../../../../../../../../../../display/digimedia/Organisational+strategies+and+social+media|\ - Students' Use and Evaluations of Company Sites on Facebook Anna Schnauber, Marc Ziegele
- Internal Crisis Communication in a Global World:Companies' Strategies and Employee Communicative Actions Alessandra Mazzei
- Public campaigns and behavior change: introduction of a strategic communication development model Reint Jan Renes, Bas van den Putte, Joost Loef
- Innovation in public campaigns: the Campaign Strategy Instrument Anita van Essen, Joost Loef, Babs Westenberg
- Collaborative narratives - representations of Finnish corporations in Wikipedia Merja Porttikivi, Maaria Laaksonen
14.30 - 16.00 Misunderstanding the Internet (linkki) - Internet logic: Doing democracy differently? Natalie Fenton
- Profits of the New Media Economy Des Freedman
- Democratising Celebrity Online Milly Williamson
- From rage to ‘the facts’: reflexive racism and the limits of ‘digital extremism’Gavan Titley
- Beyond Technology: Arab Revolutions and the Iranian Upraising Gholam Khiabany
14.30 - 16.00 Online communities: key issues and research methodologies|../../../../../../../../../../display/digimedia/Online+communities+key+issues+and+research+methodologies|\ - Communicating EU-regulated matters in the blogosphere. A case study of the Danish Patent and Trademark Office's blogging practices Annette Agerdal-Hjermind, Chiara Valentini
- Exploring a (fairly) new instrument for corporate communication in the social web: Online Brand Communities Clarissa Schöller
- 'United in Diversity'? Introducing a research model to analyze the relationsof national and transnational public diplomacy in the European Union Alice Srugies
- Dialog principles on Investor Relations Websites Christian Schumacher, Sascha Himmelreich
- Transparency and the Problems of Representation in Verbal, Visual and Numerical Regimes Lars Thoger Christensen, George Cheney
16.30 - 17.30 Ei otsikkoa 16.30 - 17.30 Ei otsikkoa 17.30 - 19.00 Digital and physical spaces and scales 17.30 - 19.00 Institutional capacities and Crisis Management|../../../../../../../../../../display/digimedia/Institutional+capacities+and+Crisis+Management|\ - Crisis communication under terrorist threat: a case study of counterterrorist operation in Chechenya Elena Gryzunova
- Can Social Media create Stakeholder Value? Using a Stakeholder Integration Index to display the value of Social Media to organizational types Lars Rademacher
- Managing Corporate communication: The Case of Dubai International Airport Khayrat Ayyad
- Feedback nightmare: organizational communication reactions to digital critic exposure. A view on some Portugal recent cases (2011-2012) Ana Duarte Melo, Helena Sousa