iHammer, 25.11.2010
- Demo of basic gestures(dragging etc) ready
- Business plan ready and updated
- questionnaire for the possible customers done and HammerKit has posted their News letter.
- questionnaire has also posted to Twitter
- Advertise Wire-frame done(web)
- Market research started and almost done (waiting the feedback from possible customers), we have got some answers.
- Sales ready and presented (longer one)
- New Sales pitch (5min) updated but needs rehearsing
- Started the wireframe for iPad (Mock-up done)
- Marketing plan and project plan updated
- questionnaire has been also sent to students
Risks: List here the risks
| Contingency plan: Actions to decrease the risk here
Next steps: _List here the things you’re going to do in the next week_
- To check if we have got more customer feedback (questionnaire) and then update the customer feedback
- See if there is possibility to do more gestures for demo in this schedule
- Working and building a draft of the possible wire-frame (for the native app), colors for wire-frame
- Finalizing things
- Rehearsing the sales pitch
Final products (X means ready):
- Demo X
- Business plan X
- Sales pitch X (longer and shorter version)
- Marketing plan (is in business plan slides) X
- User story (is in wiki and business plan slides) X
- Excel X