Column |
| Wiki Markup |
h2. Application Development Project 2012 (10 ETCS)
*Teachers*: Merja Bauters, Nina Hellman, Pauli Laine, Päivi Rimpioja, Kari Salo
Proven business case with the developed application
\| *Period 1: Business plan*
\\ * Sales pitch
* Demo version ready
* User stories
\|\| *Period 2: Customer feedback*
* Updated business plan
* Prototype ready
* Final user stories
\|\| *You will learn:*
* Team work in real life
* Give and take feedback
* Innovation in practise
* Facing the customer
* Business planning for a new application
* Application development & processes
* Working in cross cultural environment \|
h3. Weekly Schedule
Application Development Project 2012 (10 ETCS) Teachers: Merja Bauters, Nina Hellman, Pauli Laine, Päivi Rimpioja, Kari Salo Proven business case with the developed application | Period 1: Business plan * Sales pitch- Demo version ready
- User stories
|| Period 2: Customer feedback
- Updated business plan
- Prototype ready
- Final user stories
|| You will learn:
- Team work in real life
- Give and take feedback
- Innovation in practise
- Facing the customer
- Business planning for a new application
- Application development & processes
- Working in cross cultural environment |
Weekly ScheduleWednesday 09:00-12:00 Team work (final preparations for the SG) |
8:30-12:00 Project steering group | meetingsThursday
09:00-12:00 Team work/guest lecturers |
13:00-15:00 Progress review meetings with teachers |
workCourse schedule | work
h3. Course schedule
\| 5-6.9. \| Course Introduction, Case Presentations, team forming, draft idea and plans |
\| Get to know people and the cases, Teams, roles, |
cases defined, templates for docs \| Presentations, workshop \|
| |
| Scrum training by Visa Parviainen (Efficode) | scrum [^scrum-presentation-en-2012.pdf], | SixPagesAboutScrum [^SixPagesAboutScrum(1).pdf | , ScrumMasterChecklist.pdf ADP Business Model Canvas Temlate v 02 including Market reserach Plan.docx | Teams, roles, cases defined, templates for docs | Lecture, workshop | ], \\
[^ScrumMasterChecklist.pdf] \\
[^ADP Business Model Canvas Temlate v 02 including Market reserach Plan.docx] | Teams, roles, cases defined, templates for docs | Lecture, workshop |
| 19-20.9. |
| UX/Liisa Benmergui. Also: Business case marketing strategy templates explained |
Business case marketing strategy templates | explained
explained \\
[Segment-target group description and User story|adp:Segment-target group description and User story |
] \\
Webpages that Liisa recommended on Responsive | Design bradfrostweb, mediaqueries,articles on web design, book on responsie design User story drafted, first scrum meetings | Lecture, workshop | Design \\
[bradfrostweb|], [mediaqueries|],[articles on web design|], [book on responsie design|] | User story drafted, first scrum meetings | Lecture, \\
workshop |
| 26-27.9. |
| Brief on [rapid prototyping|^rapid prototyping2012.pdf]: Merja, |
check out \\
check out [ | / and the groupUIMobile Brief on Marketing and Market Research Plan Marketing work info Work on prototype and marketing plan UX planned, Marketing plan draft, Prototype build | Lecture, workshop | /|] and the group[UIMobile |]\\
Brief on Marketing and Market Research Plan \\
[Marketing work info|^ADP 2012 Marketing v03.pdf]\\
Work on prototype and marketing plan | UX planned, \\
Marketing plan draft, \\
Prototype build | Lecture, workshop |
| 3-4.10. |
| Merja Bauters: [UX (Users)|^UXlecture12_1.pdf], returning docs to Wiki |
Prototype and business case review, work on sales | pitch ADP 2012 Sales pitch \\
[^ADP 2012 Sales Pitch.pdf |
[^Mid_term_evaluation2012.pdf |
Business case ready, Test plan | Lecture, workshop | ]\\ | Business case ready, \\
Test plan | Lecture, workshop |
| 10-11.10. |
| Preparing and testing the demo, working on the sales pitch |
| Tested demo, sales pitch, Presentation |
Workshop | | Demo presentations/sales pitch, business concept, working prototype (small part implemented), work on |
the prototype and business plan. |
| ”exam”, demo ready for customer meetings, |
Presentation | | Presentation | \\ |
| 31.10\- |
| Mark Sorsa-Leslie Basewarp: views and experiences on running a start-up company. Marketing plan, new |
build List of potential customers, start contacting updated project plan | Workshop | \\
build | List of potential customers, \\
start contacting updated project plan | Workshop |
| 7-8.11. |
| Business case, new build , Finacial | Plan ADP 2012 Financial Template.xls ADP 2011 Financials.pdf Feedback from end user(s) Financial Plan | Workshop | Plan \\
[^ADP 2012 Financial Template.xls] \\
[^ADP 2011 Financials.pdf] | Feedback from end user(s) \\
Financial Plan | Workshop |
| 14-15.11. |
| Customer contact, business case and financial plan, marketing campaign start, | new build Template for long term road map .pptx Presentation and tasks for long tem planning Feedback from new build \\
[^Template for long term road map .pptx]\\
[Presentation and tasks for long tem planning|^ADP 2012 Long Term Plan v2.pdf] | Feedback from customer(s) Marketing campaign, Business Case | and Finance Long term presentation Workshop | and Finance Long term presentation | Workshop |
| 21-22.11. |
| Sales pitch rehersal: [Investor Sales Pitch], new build |
| 5 min sales pitch ready |
Workshop | | New build, finalise all documentation |
Workshop | DAY Final SG Sales pitching event, (customer \\
DAY | Final SG Sales pitching event, (customer feedback), final build Course feedback afternoon |
| Presentation in Big Dry |
Workshop Team pages/documentationGo from here to the page to add your own team pages for the course Documentation that every Team produces * Status report every week (keep old status reports in the file) Status report tamplate.pptBusiness Model Canvas ADP Business Model Canvas Temlate.docxRoad Map of future development Template for long term road map .pptxFinancial Plans (best, real and worst cases) for "real case" and "growth vision" ADP 2012 Financial Template.xlsProject plan (work estimates, dependencies) (all reports for all weeks)Sales pitch for customers and sales pitch for investors Marketing plan & Customer contanct resultsUsability Testing plan With end-users and Technical testing: (Mobile Java testing guidelines: \\
Workshop |
h2. Team pages/documentation
Go from here to the page to add your own [team pages] for the course
h3. Documentation that every Team produces
\* Status report every week (keep old status reports in the file) [^Status report tamplate.ppt]
* Business Model Canvas [ADP Business Model Canvas Temlate.docx|^ADP Business Model Canvas Temlate v 02 including Market reserach Plan.docx]
* Road Map of future development [^Template for long term road map .pptx]
* Financial Plans (best, real and worst cases) for "real case" and "growth vision" [^ADP 2012 Financial Template.xls]
* Project plan (work estimates, dependencies) (all reports for all weeks)
* Sales pitch for customers and sales pitch for investors
* Marketing plan & Customer contanct results
* [Usability Testing plan] With end-users and Technical testing: [(Mobile Java testing guidelines: | ) )| group description and User story]
* [Segment-target group description and User | storyInteraction and UI logic mock-upsActual Application (or link to)ADP GradingGrade from customer 50%Grade from teacher 30%Peer evaluation 20%Impact both from end result and weekly grade story|]
* Interaction and UI logic mock-ups
* Actual Application (or link to)
h3. ADP Grading
* Grade from customer 50%
* Grade from teacher 30%
* Peer evaluation 20%
* Impact both from end result and weekly grade (1-5) based on |
* Steering group meeting (Customer grades) | Review meeting Review meeting (Teacher grades) |
* xx.xx mid-term review (Teacher grades) |
* xx.xx sales pitch (Customer, Teacher, Students grades) |
* Status report and other docs done and quality | ProgressHow team is workingUnder 80% presence will impact the grade
* Progress
* How team is working
* Under 80% presence will impact the grade