1. Subscribe to "Usability testing" workspace in Tuubi.
(User has the workspace on his/her General-workpsaces)
2. Go to workspace "Usability testing" and read the description from the frontpage of workspace.
(User finds and can open the description)
3. Find and download file named "Usability_document.doc" and open it on the test computer.
(user is reading the content of the file on the computer)
4. Open assignment "Usability testing 1" and do as you have been told in the assigment (in the assignment test person will be asked to upload a file from the desktop as submitting an assignment)
(user has given his/her answer by submitting a file)
5. Open assignment "Usability testing 2" and do as you have been told in the assigment (in the assignment test person will be asked to give feedback about the assignment as a text)
(user has given his/her answer by submitting text)
6. Read feedback for the assigment
(user sees the grade and comment on his/her assignment)
7. Look up the date for the final assignment from calendar
(tells us the day, month, year and time in which the assignment is due to.)
8. See who else is subscribed to this workspace.
(can see other members of this worspace and tells us what role is himself belonging to)
9. Reply to a message on the discussion board.
(There is a reply from user to Test-message)
Describe the task scenarios for testing
Results are mainly qualitative. For someone who is familiar with Tuubi there is no problems completing the tasks easily. That does not mean that Tuubi is good as it is, but that you can learn to master it. One open question is, how steep is the learning curve in Tuubi.
Common usability issues
- Due to interface back-button doesn't work in Tuubi like user have used to.
Subscribing to workspace
- User who has little experience on Tuubi may find Tuubi frustrating because it doesn't seem to be intuitive or familiar. Tuubi is somewhat misleading the user in some cases, like when new user tries to find workspace through search-function. Test user tried to find the workspace by using the common search-function (located upper right corner and also in the search-tab) instead going first to Manage Workspaces.
- Test user commented the placement of the buttons on the assignments. When returning assignment the buttons are located bottom of the page in the right corner. Therefore it is hard to spot. User didn't feel sure if her answer had been uploaded succesfully.
- When uploading files user has no feedback about the upload-process. A loading bar would help.
- Second test user commented that the grade is easy to miss when you read the feedback. It is not shown on the same page as the verbal feedback.