The higher the percentage, the more humid. The higher the relative humidity, the less drying takes place. This affects the human bodies' perception of heat, as explained next.’ [3]
Figure 32. [7]
Figure 43. [7]
Capacitive Humidity Sensor and Physical principles models
To actually get any usable humidity values, a relatively accurate temperature measurement is also needed, as relative humidity is very dependant on temperature.
Figure 54. Capacitive Humudity Sensor Schematic.
Sensor proceeds to send the data, each bit starts with 50µs low, then the bit data itself; 26 to 28µs for ‘0’, 70µs for ‘1’
Figure 65. Timing Diagram. [5]
Applications: Arduino + Humidity Sensor + Temperature Sensor
DHT11 power consumption
Figure 26. Power consumption sheet.