The purpose of the Energy House Project is to design and install small scale energy generation system to Metropolia's
Myyrmäki unit to separated building next to student's parking lot. Energy House will involve a few different electricity
generation ways. For sure there will be installed solar panel, windside turbine, wind turbine, air source heat pump and
solar collector to heat water. Additionally there will be weather station to trace weather conditions. In future Energy House
could be extended with fuel cell and/or another solar panel. All this will be controlled by programmable logic controller and
all kind of measurements, for example power generated and used, will be collected. Electricity generated could be used
for example to charge electric car or moped. Energy House could be used for many teaching purposes and laboratory
works. Also many researches could be done. For example how the direction and tilt of solar panel affects to energy
generation. Energy House is also very easy to show for example to the press, partners, and who ever is interested.