Journalism for Development -seminar

13.1.2009, 9.00-16.00, Auditorium, Tavi-house, Hämeentie 161, Helsinki

9.00-9.30 Opening words (Metropolia UAS)
9.30-10.30 What is development? (Dr. Teppo Eskelinen, philosopher and freelance journalist)
10.30-11.30 Communication for Social Change and Community Development (Ms. Elva Gómez de Sibandze, Polytechnic of Namibia)
11.30-12.30 Lunch
12.30-13.30 The role of community radio in rural development in Tanzania (Mr. Ordination Mgongolwa, Tumaini University, Tanzania)
13.30-14.30 The role of Internet in East Africa (Peik Johansson, Journalist, VIKES)

14.30-15.00 Discussion

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