IR Seekerin käyttöönotto

Tämän esimerkin avulla saat robotin reagoimaan infrapunapalloon. Kyseisen esimerkin avulla näet minkälaisia sektorikohtaisia arvoja anturi antaa milloinkin.

#pragma config(Sensor, S1,     HTIRS2,              sensorI2CCustom)

#include "drivers/HTIRS2-driver.h" // download and include drivers

// main task
task main ()
  int _dirDC = 0;
  int _dirAC = 0;
	int dcS1, dcS2, dcS3, dcS4, dcS5 = 0;
	int acS1, acS2, acS3, acS4, acS5 = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)

    while (true)

      // Read the current non modulated signal direction
      _dirDC = HTIRS2readDCDir(HTIRS2);
      if (_dirDC < 0)
        break; // I2C read error occurred

      // read the current modulated signal direction
      _dirAC = HTIRS2readACDir(HTIRS2);
      if (_dirAC < 0)
        break; // I2C read error occurred

      // Read the individual signal strengths of the internal sensors
      // Do this for both unmodulated (DC) and modulated signals (AC)
      if (!HTIRS2readAllDCStrength(HTIRS2, dcS1, dcS2, dcS3, dcS4, dcS5))
        break; // I2C read error occurred
      if (!HTIRS2readAllACStrength(HTIRS2, acS1, acS2, acS3, acS4, acS5 ))
        break; // I2C read error occurred

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