Job boards here mainly outside Finland, inside Finland, see Job Offers - Työpaikat! -
See also Social Media - Sosiaalinen media.
In many of the services you can also leave your CV for employers to browse.
For Metropolia's students especially - Erityisesti Metropolian opiskelijoille
- Tube , Metropolia's intranet (Job and placement ads) - Tuubi , Metropolian intranet (Työ- ja harjoittelupaikkatarjoukset)
- (Career and recruitment service for the Finnish polytechnics - Suomen ammattikorkeakouluje ura- ja rekrytointipalvelu)
- Facebook: Metropolia Career Services - Metropolian rekrytointipalvelut
- Twitter: , Metropolia Career Services (eg. browse the lists to choose accounts to follow)
- Google+: , Metropolia Career Services (eg. browse the followers for interesting company or info pages)
Did you stumble upon a good link? Add it to the list! - Löysitkö hyvän linkin? Lisää se listaan!
Metropolia's students and staff may update this page directly, others may leave a comment.
Details not obligatory (date, person) - alphabetical order!
Number of job offers is checked the day the service was added to give some idea of the volume, numbers are rounded to ten.
Name |
Link |
Added, date (job offers) |
By whom |
Aarresaari |
2011-11-22 (over 70?) |
Workit.netti |
2011-11-24 (190) |
Tweets about jobs
Current search term is "Jobs".
Originated by Tiina Niskanen, 2010-2011
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.