WINHA WILLE(student page)
Candidate roles:
- Students
o Finnish speaking
o English speaking
o Beginners users
o Advanced users
o Bachelor degree
o Master degree
o Adult education
o Frequent user
o Rare user
o Field of study
o Present students (physically present at school)
o Distant students
- Exchange students
Main user type:
- Bachelor degree present student, who is frequent user, in any study field
- Master degree student
WinhaWille was created to assist students in making individual study plans.
We intend to improve interface in order to increase usability of the WinhaWille student page. In our project we are focusing on Metropolia students only.
User profile:
1. Number of users: about 14 000
2. General responsibilities and activities: study year enrollment, course enrollment, individual study plan, monitoring study progress.
3. Computer skills: experienced user
4. Domain expertise: user must know the fundamentals of study plan (enrollment for the study year and courses, option studies, basic studies, elective studies)
5. Goals: WinhaWille is designed to assist students to plan individual studies, to monitor study progress, registering to courses and enrollment to study term, to enroll to exams, to record and change student data and review courses' details.
6. Benefits: administrative affairs (distant management of study process, gives clear visibility of study progress, facilitate work of academic staff and students , faster processing)
7. Usage context: it depends on the users location like cafeteria(more distraction), university premises, or home.
8. Software Ecosystem: school calendar, Tuubi, Metropolia, lessons schedules, Study plan information (Basic studies, Optional studies, Professional studies and etc), Excel file, Word file, work or other activities schedules, .
9. Collaborators: teachers,tutors,other students,helpdesk,administrators.
10. Frequency of use: before and at the end of each period.
Lilia: BELLA and RECEP, i have corrected point 7 and 8, according to Merja's comments. I have put below the next steps we have to do,these are the copy-paste from the slides. In two words, we have to interview some users and then describe the interview (very shortly) and
then to create a persona. I have done the part with usability aspects, any corrections-suggestions and additions are welcome. I ill be off next lesson and lab, but then will be back.
Interview technique: ask your interview subject to recall a specific event and describe to the best of their recollection how that event took place. Ask them to describe their experience when e.g. they tried to find an apartment for rent...
§Where were they?
§How long did it take?
§What computer equipment or software was used?
§What did they most enjoy about the experience?
§What was most annoying about the experience?
Built a simple persona from your data profile:
§A role or job title
§Quotes in the personas language
§Relevant demographics
§Descriptions that reveals goals, motivations, pain points
§Descriptions that describe primary activities this user type will engage in, where and in which social relations
Important usability aspects:
- efficiency (system should be efficient to use, minimum expediture of time and effort)
- effectiveness (ability to complere a defined goal)
- easy to learn (should fast and easy to learn how to operate)
- clear purpose of different sections (understanding what each submenu is meant for and how it works)
- clear structure (user should have understandig of the layout of the application)
- accuracy and relevancy (data presented in the application, should be reliable and up-to-date).
Lilia: BELLA and RECEP, i have also started Task2 in a separate wikipage, you can find the link in the page Tasks