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To Culture With Love – Management

11-14.2.2010 Brno, Tjeckien

Internationel Workshop for European Students and Young Professionals in the field of Cultural Work/Arts Management

Konferensin Kick off osuuteeen kuului Tuottaja 2020 projektin esittely sekä yhteinen tulevaisuustehtävä. Osallistujat kirjoittivat oman visionsa tulevaisuutensa työstä 2020, jonka jälkeen papereista tehtiin lennokit. Hauskan sekasorron jälkeen paperit luettiin sekalaisessa järjestyksessä ja jokainen esitteli samalla itsensä.

Tulos oli seuraava:

In 2020 I´m working as

-  someone between the creative arts and business life

-  a couch in network economy and cultural cooperation

-  multi-tasking, hyper-networking futurist, culture-producing and supporting creative citizen

-  a producer of some happening/event which gives meaning to peoples lives, and makes them feel happy. I hope I´t´s something with people all around the world. It can be music, art, whatever, but the most important thing is the meaning

-  an art dealer and an organisor of the best art events and exhibitions

-  a cultural manager for my local society but with a global perspective. I would like to work with an international team of managers and help my local and regional society to develop themselves in the world of culture and art

-  a bee... someting that makes me happy, with a good organizing team in site specific projects. As an arts manager in a meaningful arts institution

-  a musician, designer, leader, manaer, researcher, teacher, couch, writer, house-wife and baby-sitter

-  a member of a culture center or a project manager or as a university teacher. Still educating myself and spending time with people

-  a trans-cultural arts and theatre pedagog, cultural leader for my town

-  a mediator between art and people, helping artists and making the arts count

-  theatre manager, director, management consultant, public-relations excecutive, roudie, techie, driver, musician, secretary and coffee-maker...and everything else I like doing

-  organizing festivals, concerts or other events

-  the minister of culture in Lithuania, or have a good job in the ministry of culture

-  a producer in filmfestivals and dance events. I have different projects. I may be working in Europe, not in my homeland Finland. I´m of course very professional

-  a co-owner of a boutique, bookshop, antique store. I manage marketng, PR and other things.

-  a cultural producer in an open space for the arts. Art forms are getting more and more hybrid, the new things are happening ”in between”

-  I have my own arts center! It´s independent! It promotes young artists, gives them a cause to smile!!!! I hope it will bring make some money aswell. I will work as a theatre producer in Belgrade.

-  the hed of an idependent arts centre

-  not ”working” as the definition of work has to/ is changing! I am living and doing stuff I enjoy to contribute to society.

-  an arts manager in a company supporting young artists, aming at the new forms of art on a national and international level

-  a head of a department at a significant arts gallery abroad - where? I travel around the world. I feel balanced, knowing what I want.

-  a thetre producer/arts manager

-  an organiser, supplier and technician in the vast field of cultural events and even get paid for it

-  am working as an optimistic activist, trying to change (for the better, of course) the local community and the space around it

-  an organizer, mediator, protector

-  I recently got back from abroad and now I´m starting to establish a new organisation which will cooperate with all the central organizations I have worked with abroad

-  an arts and business manager. the biggest part of me will promote spiritual art. One part of me will be a gallerist, one part a manager, one part a business woman, and one part a teacher. In my dreams one part wll be an artist. And all these parts will help the arts

-  a manager of some contemporary arts center, probably a gallery, and I hope that I will have as many international colleagues as possible:)

-  an established theatre producer at a theatre I enjoy working at, probably my own.

-  art manager, developing a project on innovative thinking related to art and young people

-  I´ll be coming back from maternity leave to work as a production director with a company organising cultural events

-  a leader manager, and if not, I will hopefully be a great, self-organised human being with great ideas. I promote culture in suburbs and remote areas.

-  a member of a team promoting and developing cultural projects on a local and international basis. My work reduces prjudices and leads to a peaceful axchange.

-  a movie producer in mine and my cousin´s production company. ISC sisters why productions

-  with other poeple together in symbiosis, making graet ideas into reality.

-  a helper of providing exhiitions of young photographers, painters and  writers.


Leena Björkqvist och Anki Hellberg-Sågfors (Produforum)

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