Migrant Youth & Digital Media Practices

Chair: Gavan Titley (National University of Ireland, Maynooth)

Gerit Götzenbrucker, Vera Schwarz (University of Vienna), Juergen Pfeffer (Carnegie Mellon University), Fares Kayali (Vienna University of Technology), Barbara Franz (Rider University), Peter Purgathofer (Vienna University of Technology) “Your Turn! The Video Game”. A Facebook Game for (migrant) teenagers' communication and social integration in Vienna.
Koen Leurs (Utrecht University) Digital crossings. Moroccan-Dutch youths performing cultures across digital media spaces
Ricardo Campos (Open University of Portugal), Jose Simoes (New University of Lisbon): Between the hood and the internet: how digital technologies help to build a transnational Black lusophone rap community
Hilde Liden, Kari Steen-Johnsen (Institute for Social Research, Oslo) : "All news comes from Facebook". Young refugees and social media
Amparo Huertas Bailen (Autonomous University of Barcelona), Denise Cogo (University of the Sinos Valley): Youth, ICT and multicultural sociability
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