Task 1
Here we comment WinhaWille student portal.
Users of Winha Wille are students.
- All metropolia students in different campuses.
- International and National Finnish students
- Different campus students such as : Leppävaara, Myyrmäki, Tikkurila, Bulevardi etc...
- Different Departement students such as : Media Engineering, IT Technology,Art Design, Music,Nurse, Social Services, Environment etc..
- Different Groups: DAP07S,CAP06S,TI08S1E etc...
3.Other Support staff
- getting student data
- changing address
- check the confirmed participation
- check the completed courses
- check the study guide line
- checking the courses offered for the department
- enrolling for the courses that are offered
- changing the data language
- checking the enrollment status(season)
Focal roles for the winha wille website
International student, Media Engineering or IT students,
For international students International student, Media Engineering or IT students there role is to change their data change addresses ,to enroll for the course ,to check the course that they complete ,to check the credit that they accomplish and to know how many is left, it's mandatory to sign there user name and password.
Media Engineering students
1. # of users that occupy this user type: All students participating in programme
2. General responsibilities or activities: search cources, control performance, enrol to cources, check participated and completed cources
3. Computer skills: general computer skills
4. Domain expertise: media engineering
5. Goals: this tool is compulsory to be used. Student can't continue studies without registering as present for period. Also student cannot get grades for cource if not enrolled.
6. Pain Points: Main purpose is remote control of studying proces
7. Usage Contexts: Winha can be accessed from "lobby" area ,"Liberary", and from home through internet.
8. Software Ecosystem: Winha is accessible via all major browsers. It is coupled
9. Collaborators: teachers, other students, IT support
10.Frequency of Use: around 1-3 times a week
Personal Activities
Name: John Doe
A role or Job Title: Student
John Doe is a third year media engineering student.He lives in lintuvaara. Over his study years he has used winha to put his personal data, to check all the courses that are offered through out the 4 years, to check the courses offered for the specific period , to check the compulsory and optional courses, to check the grades that he has got from different courses.In winha, which is a frustrating thing for him is that when browsing through it ,it is difficult to find what he wants. For example when he wants to enroll , he has to click ISP in the winhaa page and then enrollement.But since the term ISP is not self discriptive, he has to ask from students how to enroll.Besides when he clicks the help tab , user help file appears which is written in finnish.
Task 2