Created by Unknown User (ivanku), last modified by Unknown User (m0703185) on 8.12.2010
Specification for RunToShop ApplicationHandling the searches: printing out recommendations and banners
Specification of the existing search
Recommendation search
- Recommendations are searched against a database
- Every recommendation that has a matching tag that is connected to a recommendation is printed out
- Banners are searched against a database
- Every banner that has the matching tag is set into a pool and one is selected by probability
- Probability is counted by the price of the banner: the higher the price the higher the probability that it would be shown
Specification for the coming release
Recommendation search
- The recommendation would be printed out by their relevancy
- Relevancy is counted by the number of views , likes and dislikes (-)
- Creating an administration page where the user could set up how the banners would be shown
- Options:
- disable banners
- setting start and end date
- setting which time of the day the banner has higher probability to be shown
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