Production plan

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Updated: 15.5.2010

Production plan liitetiedostona:

Game elements

3 floors/rooms top of each other (hard coded)
One fixed room/floor size
Two room/floor theme (lobby and basic)
Elevator (moves up and down - not controllable)
each room/floor has balcony (player can jump down to the bush)
One level
One screen game (everything seen at once)
Protagonist (runs and can take hits from npcs)
Goal: deliver number of objects to targets in give time
Hud (timer, amounts of objects to deliver, item slot)
Deliver objects to target (target = three doors with different color)
Delivered objects (three bags that are delivered to specific door. Objects are at the lobby)
NPC- possesed chest (jumping up and down. Player has to pass  underneath it)
Positive power up (hourglass)
Obstacle - crate (square, T-block and L-block shape. Jump over)
Obstacle - bookself (square, T-block and L-block shape. Jump over)
briefing screen (overlay on game view)
game over screen (overlay on game view)

Additional npc (ghost dog)
Roaming ghost (stuns protagonist on hit - non intelligent)
Positive power up ( speed increase)
Negative power up (lights out)
Additional Levels to the game (level structure)
HUD extension (level indicator)
Addtional room/floor theme (+1-2)
Additional rooms/floors (4 to 5 floors top of each other)
camera drive (zoom)
Level cleared screen/animation

Random rooms/floors (for scaleable level structure)
Roaming ghost (intelligent follows player)
Additional room/floor theme (+1-2)
Camera drive (for multiple rooms top of each other)
Additional rooms/floors (4 to 5 floors top of each other)
Moving background (rain etc.)
Positive power up
Negative power up
HUD extension (Best time)
Roaming ghost throws protagonist out of the window
Screen Tilting


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