Versions Compared


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Name  Dave
A role or job title: Web designer
Quotes in the personas language: "Design on the go - iPad is the only way"


"As a web designer I want to be able to use Hammerkit on iPad while I'm travelling or meeting a client, so that I can save time."

DoD 1

iPad version has to be equal to the desktop computer version.

In a form of Story.

Usability criteria to be suitable for this user type? (design imperatives)


  • ease of learning
  • retention of learning
  • efficiency of interaction
  • reliability of interaction

User Story

Template: As a <some role>, I want <something>, so that <some value>
Describes who wants, what wants and what for in one sentence

  • “As an end user I want to be able to upload my picture to my profile page, so that my profile page looks cool”
  • “As a sales person, I want to see statistics of my performance in graphical charts, so that I monitor my performance”
  • “As an administrator, I want to have database backups, so that I won’t be in big trouble if something unexpected happens”

Definition of Done must describe exactly what “done” means

“What’s not in DoD, is not needed”
Item is either “done” or “not done”


iPad version interface looks similar.

DoD 2

He installs Hammerkit

He logs in.

He creates a website.
