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Persona Template

Name  Dave
A role or job title: Web designer
Quotes in the personas language: "Design on the go - iPad is the only way"

Dave is always travelling from place to place, because his work takes him everywhere. He always thought carrying laptops caused him a bit of inconvinience, so he prefers iPads while travelling. And he might not have the time to design websites on a desktop computer. He loves simplicity and he loves to travel light. IPad doesn't need to be charged like a laptop either. He likes that he can show his clients different kinds of layouts fast and make adjustments according to the customers needs and desires. Dave uses Hammerkit daily and he also uses iPad daily. Hammerkit offers a flexible tool for him to use on a daily day basis on the go.

The flexibility of having your layouts being stored in Hammerkit servers and being able to show and modify them easily. Dave found out that iPad controls do not function properly with Hammerkits commands, which are originally designed for point-and-click devices.

Design imperatives

Being able to use Hammerkit on iPad without doing a huge transition. Hammerkit on iPad provides an easy and efficient way to make and present websites. It is also an reliable way of doing this, because it works almost identically to the desktop computer version.

User story

"As a web designer I want to be able to use Hammerkit on iPad while I'm travelling or meeting a client, so that I can save time."


iPad version has to be equal to the desktop computer version.

In a form of Story.

Usability criteria to be suitable for this user type? (design imperatives)


  • ease of learning
  • retention of learning
  • efficiency of interaction
  • reliability of interaction

User Story

Template: As a <some role>, I want <something>, so that <some value>
Describes who wants, what wants and what for in one sentence

  • “As an end user I want to be able to upload my picture to my profile page, so that my profile page looks cool”
  • “As a sales person, I want to see statistics of my performance in graphical charts, so that I monitor my performance”
  • “As an administrator, I want to have database backups, so that I won’t be in big trouble if something unexpected happens”

Definition of Done must describe exactly what “done” means

“What’s not in DoD, is not needed”
Item is either “done” or “not done”

  • Story: Picture upload
  • end user can upload his/her picture from profile settings page
  • picture is shown on the left upper corner of the profile page
  • picture is scaled to fit the profile picture box on the profile page
  • No labels
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