FirstRunners, 23.9.2010
- Steering group: agreeing on the main points:
- Biggest income of the site is advertisement
- Using Facebook for a possible widget
- Redesigning the original site, improving the layout, using already existing services
- The business plan has been started but has not been finished yet
- The first version of the mock-up of the main page is created. The result with a link has been put into the Wiki
- Some research has been made about banners based web advertisement (Pay-per-click, DoubleClick)
- Ideas for the Business Plan is put into the Wiki, based on those Cash-Flow can be forecasted (using the Excel template)
- Other tools should be taken into use to enhance the communication between team members
| Contingency plan:
Next steps:
- Creating more mock-ups
- Finishing up the first version of the business plan
- Making estimations for the cash-flow
- Possibly starting to put down the first line of code for the prototype