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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0

Jari, the project manager

Name: Jari
A role or job title: works at


Jari is a 25 year old engineer. He works in a middle-sized company as a project manager.
Quotes in the personas language: “tykkään pomottaa.” Jari is part of the group who are considered to be part of RunToShop’s target audience.
Relevant demographics: 25 years old, man
Descriptions that reveals goals, motivations, pain points: his goal Goal in life is to become the president of his the company. His motivation is to provide a livelyhood for his family. He can’t handle stress very well.
Descriptions that describe primary activities this user type will engage in: Jari is an active cricket player and has been in the world championship contest of cricket.

Usability criteria to be suitable for this user type? (design imperatives)

  • young man
  • cannot handle stress very well
  • technical oriented person, beginning of his career
  • likes watching sports

User Story

  • "As a cricket fan, I want to watch the cricket championship on a big screen television."
  • "As a driver, I want a new car so everybody will be jealous of me."

Definition of Done must describe exactly what “done” means

  • User story: buying tv
  • end user can make a search on the main page for television
  • "I want a search function based on a category, like tv’s"
  • User story: buying a car
  • end user goes to to find recommendations on what car to buy
  • "I didn’t find recommendations on cars."

Lissu, the nurse

Name: Lissu
A role or job title: Lissu is a 29 year old nurse. She works in a hospital in a big city. “koiranpennut
Quotes in the personas language: "koiranpennut on söpöjä."
Relevant demographics: 29 years old, woman, Lissu belongs to the young active and fashion aware demographic.
Descriptions that reveals goals, motivations, pain points: Her goal in life is to have a husband and two kids in a red house in the countryside. Her motivation is to achieve her goal one day. She can’t handle criticism.
Descriptions that describe primary activities this user type will engage in: Lissu likes to run and go to the gym.

User stories:

User story #1

Jari wants a new plasma tv so he can watch the cricket champpionship contest.

He goes to runtoshop to find recommendations on what tv to buy.

“I want a search function based on a category, like tv’s”

User story #2:

Jari wants a new car so everybody will be jealous of him.

He goes to runtoshop to find recommendations on what car to buy.

“I didn’t find recommendations on cars.”

User story #3:

Usability criteria to be suitable for this user type? (design imperatives)

  • aware of fashion
  • likes doing sports, going to gym
  • young woman

User Story

  • "As a fashion aware person, I want to buy


  • a fancy hat to wear in the mall so everybody will notice


  • me."
  • "As a regular visitor of the gym, I need a pair of new jogging shoes, so I can tone my body more and be fitter."

Definition of Done must describe exactly what “done” means

  • User story: new hat
  • end user goes to to find recommendations on what hats are


  • 'in' right now.


  • "I want to search for hats that are for women only, I don’t want to see hats for men in my search results.


  • "
  • User story


  • :


  • new


  • shoes


  • end user goes to


  • to find recommendations on good shoes.
  • “I just cannot find what I want, since there are not enough choices”


User story #5:
