Jari is a 25 year old engineer. He works in a middle-sized company as a project manager. “tykkään pomottaa.” Jari is part of the group who are considered to be part of RunToShop’s target audience.
Goal in life is to become the president of his company. His motivation is to provide a livelyhood for his family. He can’t handle stress very well.
Jari is an active cricket player and has been in the world championship contest of cricket.
Lissu is a 29 year old nurse. She works in a hospital in a big city. “koiranpennut on söpöjä.”
Lissu belongs to the young active and fashion aware demographic. Her goal in life is to have a husband and two kids in a red house in the countryside. Her motivation is to achieve her goal one day. She can’t handle criticism.
Lissu likes to run and go to the gym.
User stories:
User story #1
Jari wants a new plasma tv so he can watch the cricket champpionship contest.
He goes to runtoshop to find recommendations on what tv to buy.
“I want a search function based on a category, like tv’s”
User story #2:
Jari wants a new car so everybody will be jealous of him.
He goes to runtoshop to find recommendations on what car to buy.
“I didn’t find recommendations on cars.”
User story #3:
Lissu wants a fancy hat to wear in the mall so everybody will notice her.
She goes to runtoshop to find recommendations on what hats are ‘in’ right now.
“I want to search for hats that are for women only, I don’t want to see hats for men in my search results.”
User story #4:
Lissu needs new jogging shoes so she can tone her body more and be fitter.
She goes to runtoshop to find recommendations on good shoes.
“I just cannot find what I want, since there are not enough choices”
User story #5:
“Matti”, 23yo, wanted to buy a big LCD Full HD TV. He browsed runtoshop in order to find recommondations on good quality alternatives but did not find any. Front page was confusing and search function did not bring any of those alternatives he was looking for. He left the page in frustration and with the feeling of never wanting to visit the page again. He also commented that if he ever hears about the page again he will inform about his experiences to others.