Langattoman anturiverkon laitteiden testausta sekä anturoinnin ja ohjelmiston suunnittelua. Työ sopii koneautomaation ja automaatiotekniikan opiskelijoille.
Product Information
Langaton anturiverkko - projektisivut
The FET430F6137RF900 is a complete wireless development tool for the CC430 that includes all the hardware required to develop an entire wireless project. The development kit includes two EM430F6137RF900 sub-1GHz wireless target boards (including antennas) featuring the highly integrated XCC430F6137IRGC RF System-on-chip and a USB debugging interface (MSP-FET430UIF) used to program and debug the MSP430 in-system through the JTAG interface or the pin saving Spy Bi-Wire (2-wire JTAG) protocol. Projects may be developed and instantly deployed using the included batteries. Note: the current version (v 3.1) of the tool supports 868/915 MHz operation only.
(picture) EM430F6137RF900 CC430 wireless development tool
(picture) eZ430 Chronos wireless watch development tool
Projektiryhmä: Toni Niittyjoki, Joonas Tietäväinen, Eemeli Ikonen, Ari Haverinen
Vastuuopettaja: Jari Savolainen,