TARGET of the day: Final teams, concept drafted, presentation for SG
08:30 Team task:
- Case presentation by partner companies to their teams
- Make a mindmap of your topic based on the case presentation
09:15 Visit two other teams and give comments
09:25 Team task:
- Update the mindmap based on comments (5 min)
- Define a shared goal for your team (20 min)
- Rules and values (20 min)/Esa Eerola
- Decide on Communication tools (10 min)
10:20 BREAK
10:40 Team task:
- Make a concept flip chart on your idea
11:10 Visit two other teams (not the same ones as previously), give comments
11:30 Team task:
- Update your flip chart based on the comments
- Create an list of actions you believe you’d have to do
- Make preliminary project plan
12:00 LUNCH
12:45 Confluence wiki briefing/Merja Bauters
13:30 Random team(s) will present their work so far
14:00 Team task:
- Finalize concept flip chart
- Draft a presentation to SG (team roles+analysis, progress report, business idea, application idea, plan, questions to the SG)
15:00 Random teams will present the SG presentation drafts
15:30 Team task;
- Finalize SG presentation and get it approved by one of the teachers