Persona Template
Provide the user with a :
- Name:
- A role or job title:
- Quotes in the persona's language:
- Relevant demographics:
- Descriptions that reveals goals, motivations, pain points:
- Descriptions that describe primary activities this user type will engage in:
In a form of Story.
Usability criteria to be suitable for this user type? (design imperatives)
- ease of learning
- retention of learning
- efficiency of interaction
- reliability of interaction
User Story
Template: As a <some role>, I want <something>, so that <some value>
Describes who wants, what wants and what for in one sentence
- “As an end user I want to be able to upload my picture to my profile page, so that my profile page looks cool”
- “As a sales person, I want to see statistics of my performance in graphical charts, so that I monitor my performance”
- “As an administrator, I want to have database backups, so that I won’t be in big trouble if something unexpected happens”
Definition of Done must describe exactly what “done” means
“What’s not in DoD, is not needed”
Item is either “done” or “not done”
- Story: Picture upload
- end user can upload his/her picture from profile settings page
- picture is shown on the left upper corner of the profile page
- picture is scaled to fit the profile picture box on the profile page