In order to get your grade hand in the following as a zip file:
- Status reports of every week (keep old status reports in the file) Status report tamplate.ppt
- Business Model Canvas ADP Business Model Canvas Temlate.docx
- Road Map of future development Template for long term road map .pptx
- Financial Plans (best, real and worst cases) for "real case" and "growth vision" ADP 2012 Financial Template.xls
- Project plan (work estimates, dependencies) (all reports for all weeks)
- Sales pitch for customers and sales pitch for investors
- Marketing plan & Customer contanct results
- Usability Testing plan With end-users and Technical testing: (Mobile Java testing guidelines: )
- Segment-target group description and User story
- Interaction and UI logic mock-ups
- Actual Application (or link to)
Dead-Line is 5.12. Also send an e-mail to ALL teachers from your gruop with the link to your zip-file.
Answer PERSOANLLY to the following questionnaire on your learning and grades for your team: <- does not work <-- now it works
The Dead-line is 9.12.