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MINNO(R) Innovation Project 10 ECTS

Health and culture innovation projects MINNO® is a project based learning process where students work with worklife to create new services, solutions and products according to the challenge pitched by the local companies. The work is done as a real project in a multidisciplinary team. The project starts 10.1.2014 at Bulevardi 31, 0001000 Helsinki 9 - 16. After that 17.1.2014 Innovation seminar, 24.1 you get a challenge from companies and form a project team and you work until the end of April: 25.4.2014 (Innovation Event). 

Minno® is a flexible development project based way of learning skills and attitudes. The project is assessed according to the Metropolia Innovation project assessment criteria. You will form a multidisciplinary project group with project manager, comms etc. functions. You will have a creative ideation phase, concepting phase, project plan phase, execution phase and reporting & evaluation phase. Every project team will have a tutor from Metropolia.

Reporting & Comms

Reporting is done here in wiki.

Facebook: MINNO® Innovation Project Spring 2014.!/groups/249107018570011/ (Ask permission to join) This is for daily comms & social activity (smile)

Plus your groups own FB or similar if needed for the project. 


Ulla Vehkaperä (0407145147) and Laura-Maija Hero (0442740072)

Brochure (targeted to companies & other work life)


Innovation project studies 10 ECTS (2 orientation + 8 project)


  • Elizabeth Torcivia, physio and occuptaional therapy students
  • Marko Puro, Music
  • Päivi Takala, Film
  • Teija Voudinmäki, Radio&TV
  • Sami Huohvanainen, Radio&TV, Clothing


Orientation Phase 2 ECTS 

Fri 10.1. Innovation in Culture. Seminar.  Exam brief. Bulevardi 31, P460 Juhlasali / Metropolia

Fri17.1 Exam at home, you have received an email about this! Exam questions are in your email! if not,

Suomenkilisille innovaatioseminaari!



Tervetuloa Vanhalle Viertotielle p 17.1.2014 yhteiseen Innoseminaariin. Seminaari on tarkoitettu kaikille Kulttuurin ja hyvinoinnin innovaatioprojekteja tekeville opiskelijoille ja opettajille. Tilaisuuteen ei tarvitse ilmoittautua. Tänä vuonna emme järjestä seminaarin videointia, mutta luennoitsijoiden dioihin voi jälkeenpäin jokainen tutustua tämän sivuston kautta.


klo 8.15-8.30 Tervetuloa

klo 8.30-10.00 Sisäinen motivaatio ja uuden luominen, Karoliina Jarenko FilosofiaAkatemia

klo 10.00-10.15 Tauko

klo 10.15-10.45 Innovaatioista Metropoliassa, Vesa Taatila vararehtori Metropolia amk

klo 10.45-11.30 Palvelumuotoilun työkaluista, Hannu Ripatti

Fri 24.1. Companies and other work life comes to give you challenges. Project teams are formed.  (fasilitator Laura-Maija Hero) - Bulevardi 31/ Juhlasali 4.krs.  at 9.00 - 16.00 

EXAM material:

Reading (English):

Reading (Finnish students):

Tentittävä kirja: Kaarina Pirilä, Ulla Vehkaperä, Marianne Roivas (2013) Innostu ja innovoi. Käsikirja innovaatioprojektiopintoihin. - osa teoksesta:
II Innovatiiivisuus ja innovaatio
III Innovaatiokyvykkyys
IV Uudistamis- ja kehittämistyön malleja





What is an Innovation project?

Innovation Projects (8 ECTS) Spring 2014:

 Projects will be briefed 24.1 at Bulevardi 31 (9 - 16):

  • Viherkallio School project (brief), Elizabeth Torcivia
  • Arabia Entrepreneurs: Arabia for tourists (online content) (brief), Teija Voudinmäki, Sami Huohvanainen, 2 groups
  • Theatre Kapsäkki: New usage consepts for the restaurant (brief), Marko Puro, 1 group
  • Musiikkiteatteri Kapsäkki: Summer use? (English&Finnish), Marko Puro
  • Lauluavain Oy (music education company targeting to health business), English&Finnish, Päivi Takala
  • Myrskyvaroitus ry. Climate change - how to improve knowledge? Päivi Takala

Project Groups

Group 1 (Teacher xx): xx (group name)

Group 2 (Teacher xx): : xx (group name)

Group 3 (Teacher xx): : xx (group name)

Group 4 (Teacher xx): : xx (group name)


Further reading (obligatory):

You will get a project work diploma after the project course. You can use that as CV appendix (work experince).


Agenda for the first sessions:



Fri 10.1

Fri 17.1

Fri 24.1

xx.xx > tbc.

xx.xx > tbc.


Place: Bulevardi 31, Juhlasali P460floor

•Welcome! What is an Innovation project in Metropolia? (LM)
•Break 15 min.
•Innovation? How to identify? Juha Järvinen
•Exam brief!

Place: Vanha Viertotie 23

•Innovation seminar for Finnish speaking students
•Reading for the exam (English)


24.1.2014 agenda for the English speaking students: 

9.15 - 10.45    Bulevardi 31, Kollegiosali P310: Project management, tools, roles & planning. Sami Huohvanainen. 

10.45 - 12.30 Bulevardi 31, Juhlasali 4. floor: Project briefs 

10.45 - 11.00 Mental health art week, Mielenterveysseura, mentors Päivi Eskelinen-Roos ja Katriina Rantala-Nenonen > onko englanniksi??

11.00 - 11.15 School project, Viherkallio school, (English&Finnish) menthor Beth Torcivia

11.15 - 11.30 Music Theatre Kapsäkki: Summer use.  (English&Finnish), Marko Puro

11.30 - 11.45 Helsinki Entrepreneurs (English&Finnish), Sami Huohvanainen

Two briefs, "Pop in a Boutigue" & "Entrepreneurship to Helsinki" (English)

12.00 - 12.15 Storm Warning: Climate change is happening!  Comms project. English&Finnish, Sami Huohvanainen

13 - 16.15 Choosing the project: 1000 ideas, Wanted -session. 





Project work starts

Group work (no tutors)

Organize the team!

Group comms

Groups profile and role

Ideation phase


5 concepts are pitched to the customer

Project plan to wiki


(with tutor)








•Innovation work in practise: examples
Who we are: circle


•Exam at home
(+Innovation studies & project management)


Group work

Outcome: 5 concepts are placed to wiki (see template) and delivered to the customer

Project plans are evaluated

  • No labels
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