Also under each team will be the links to the common documents that every team has to produce. The naming of these document pages will be in the follwoing manner: team name_document name, e.g. CASSTEAM1_BisinessPlan.
Team 1
- Business plan
- Project plan (work estimates, dependencies)
- Interaction and UI logic mock-ups
- Progress report weekly
- Marketing plan
- User story
Team 2
- Business plan
- Project plan (work estimates, dependencies)
- Interaction and UI logic mock-ups
- Progress report weekly
- Marketing plan
- User story
Team 1
- Business plan
- Project plan (work estimates, dependencies)
- Interaction and UI logic mock-ups
- Progress report weekly
- Marketing plan
- User story
Team 2
- Business plan
- Project plan (work estimates, dependencies)
- Interaction and UI logic mock-ups
- Progress report weekly
- Marketing plan
- User story
Team 1 Team 2
- Business plan
- Project plan (work estimates, dependencies)
- Interaction and UI logic mock-ups
- Progress report weekly
- Marketing plan
- User story
Team 2
- Business plan
- Project plan (work estimates, dependencies)
- Interaction and UI logic mock-ups
- Progress report weekly
- Marketing plan
- User story
Team 1
- Business plan
- Project plan (work estimates, dependencies)
- Interaction and UI logic mock-ups
- Progress report weekly
- Marketing plan
- User story
Team 2
- Business plan
- Project plan (work estimates, dependencies)
- Interaction and UI logic mock-ups
- Progress report weekly
- Marketing plan
- User story
Team 1
- Business plan
- Project plan (work estimates, dependencies)
- Interaction and UI logic mock-ups
- Progress report weekly
- Marketing plan
- User story
Team 2
- Business plan
- Project plan (work estimates, dependencies)
- Interaction and UI logic mock-ups
- Progress report weekly
- Marketing plan
- User story
Team 1
- Business plan
- Project plan (work estimates, dependencies)
- Interaction and UI logic mock-ups
- Progress report weekly
- Marketing plan
- User story
Team 2
- Business plan
- Project plan (work estimates, dependencies)
- Interaction and UI logic mock-ups
- Progress report weekly
- Marketing plan
- User story
Team 1
- Business plan
- Project plan (work estimates, dependencies)
- Interaction and UI logic mock-ups
- Progress report weekly
- Marketing plan
- User story
Team 2
- Business plan
- Project plan (work estimates, dependencies)
- Interaction and UI logic mock-ups
- Progress report weekly
- Marketing plan
- User story